I have a Sarah.

I have a Sarah. She’s five-years-old. Her favourite things in the world are Lego, princesses, dancing, making cupcakes and reading books. She’s tempestuous and demanding, alternating sometimes on a minute by minute basis from being a ball of pure sunshine to a dark cloud of a thunderstorm; she keeps us all on our toes. She’s […]
One Year of Covid19…

I remember it like it was yesterday. Friday the 13th, 2020. As chairperson of the local primary school’s PTA, I was running the committee’s AGM and annual quiz night, and had been at the school for hours getting ready. I had twenty quiz packs ready, music and snacks and even – I laugh to think […]
Ice cream in December? Really?

When I’ve mentioned recently to people that I have a novel coming out soon about Hanukkah set in a south London ice creamery, I’ve noticed more and more people giving me ‘the look’. You’ll know what ‘the look’ is of course, everyone does. It’s that expression of doubt mingled with a little disbelief that crosses […]
And so it’s March…

Blink. What happened to Christmas? No, what happened to January? Actually, scratch that, where did February go? I have to admit to having been a busy bee these past two months, and March looks like it will be just as insane. My husband and I were sitting down yesterday to merge our calendars and worked […]
Mince Pies, Tinsel, Tea-towels and Zero Productivity: A Busy Mum’s Christmas

I’m sitting in the near-dark so that our fairy lights twinkle more brightly. My living room is covered in elves, ornaments, Christmas teddies and Christmas blankets (we have three. Why do we have three? I didn’t buy a single one of them. Are they multiplying in my loft? Actually, that wouldn’t surprise me. Everything either […]